It's Halloween folks. And guess what scares me during this Halloween?
Not witches, ghouls or goblins! True those creatures would be scary if they exist.
But what's really truly scary is the possibility (a small one, but still a possibility) of a President McCain and VP Palin. Now that IS scary.
Can you imagine 4 more years of Republican rule? (shudder!)
Can you imagine 4 more years of Bush-style policies and shoot-first-ask-questions-later approach to well...mostly anything.
Can you imagine a man who's mind is stuck in the Cold War and whose running mate thinks the Iraq War is "God's Will" in command of the nation's military and with their finger on the nuclear button?
McCain / Palin could very well start World War III. That freaks me out!
Right after 9/11, McCain was calling for war against 4 countries at the same time! He wanted to go to war against Iraq, Iran, Syria and Afghanistan all at once! Even though only Afghanistan had any connection to 9/11! Imagine what would have happened if McCain got his way? Well...if...nightmare of all nightmares...he manages to win this election...he just might do that!
Withdraw from Iraq? NEVER! NOT McCain...he'll stay there 100 years! He'll probably go right ahead and launch more wars agains more countries.
That's scary! And Palin...don't even get me started there. She's far more trigger happy than McCain. Who knows what she'll do if she ever became president?!
The very thought of a President Palin ought to scare the sh*t out of anyone!
So like Obama said...don't slack off just coz he's leading in the polls. Make sure you go out and vote on Nov. 4 if you haven't already done early voting! Don't be overconfident!
Obama told his staffers to work like they are 10 points behind! A good strategy! A true winner doesn't slow down just because he's ahead...he keeps running as hard and as fast as he can! So let us make sure that there WILL BE NO President McCain AND VP Palin. Let us make sure that this election GOOD triumphs over EVIL. Let us make sure to elect HOPE and CRUSH the politics of FEAR. Let us VOTE FOR, AND ELECT OBAMA!
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