

Fool Me Once, Shame On YOU. Fool Me Twice Shame on ME.

Fool Me Once, Shame On YOU.
Fool Me Twice Shame on ME.

It's an old saying. But it holds much wisdom.

Unfortunately many people are allowing just this very thing to happen. They are allowing themselves to be FOOLED--AGAIN--by Republican lies, Republican politics-of-fear, and Republican false claims.

So SHAME on these people who are allowing themselves to be so easily fooled by the Republicans. I hope they eventually wisen up before the election. I mean really people...ARE YOU BETTER OFF NOW THAN 8 YEARS AGO? IS AMERICA BETTER OFF NOW THAN 8 YEARS AGO?

I don't think so. Things have definitely gotten worse. The economy is a JOKE. Gas prices as SKY HIGH. Thousands of people are gonna lose their homes because of the Mortgage Crisis. Countless people have lost their jobs. The Healthcare system is a big freaking MESS. YET...YET...many people ACTUALLY THINK...McCain--a Republican who AGREES with BUSH 90% of the TIME--will make things better.

HUH? Listen you McCain leaners or fence-sitters...This is like trying to fix a broken machine with the WRONG TOOL. DEEP DOWN...YOU KNOW it's the WRONG TOOL. It hasn't worked for 8 years. But part of you THINKS that if you change the name of the tool from BUSH to MCCAIN that it "might" work. I don't think so dude.

It's time to TRY SOMETHING NEW. It's time to TRY a new TOOL to fix the broken machine that is America. It's time to TRY OBAMA! Yeah, some of you maybe scared of CHANGE. But we cannot continue going on the same DISASTROUS COURSE that the country is currently headed. Something needs to CHANGE. McCain/Palin WILL NOT BRING ABOUT CHANGE. They will bring MORE OF THE SAME.

OBAMA has the vision, the temperament, the right judgement to lead this country FORWARD. FORWARD to the FUTURE. FORWARD to PROGRESS. FORWARD to a BETTER LIFE for YOU and YOUR FAMILY.

McCain is the PAST. McCain/Palin will DRAG America down a DEEPER HOLE that it's already in. It's time to GET OUT of the HOLE that DUBYA dragged us into during the past 8 years. It's time to MAKE America the "Shining City on a Hill" once more. It's time to GET AMERICA OUT OF THE DARK...and make her A BEACON OF LIGHT once more to the world.

McCain/Palin will keep the country in the DARK AGES. It's time for AN AMERICAN RENNAISSANCE. It is TIME FOR OBAMA!





National polls mean diddly squat in a race that will be decided state by state.

You'ld be better off paying attention to Electoral Vote estimates which are based on state-by-state polling instead of a nationwide poll.

Several websites that provide estimates for Electoral Votes all give Obama the edge:
This is one of the best sites since they update their count with new state polls daily. They also track states gained by either party compared to the 2004 presidential election.
Obama 273
McCain 238
Ties 27
Obama 243
McCain 289
Toss Ups 106
This site's data is based on Intrade.Com's State-by-State prediction markets...which gives a completely different picture compared to Intrade's national Obama or McCain prediction market.
Obama 260
McCain 247
Ties 31
Obama 239
McCain 177
Toss Ups 122

But there's a wildcard here even. Both campaigns are investing heavily in voter registration drives. The Obama campaign has been doing this since the primaries. Obama's voter registration drive dwarf's that of the republicans. Most new voters being registered are those of under 35--a key Obama demographic. That's something hard to track in polls. Most pollsters call existing registered voters or people who have voted in the last election. Newly registered voters probably aren't in their databases yet, and so are not polled.

Obama understand he needs to change the electorate to win this. And his massive army of volunteers and paid staff are doing precisely this. Will it work? We will find out in November. Personally I believe it will make a difference. If he can get the younger people to vote during the general election has he was able to do during the primaries, I think that gives him a good chance. Also if he can get a massive black vote out during the general election, just as he did during the primaries, that's another factor that will help as well in several states.

Make no mistake...this election is going to be fought between those who want to keep the status quo and those who want change. In some ways this will also be a generational battle...with older generations going for McCain, and the younger generations going for Obama. And sadly this is also a fight between the educated vs the uneducated, the informed vs the poorly informed, the smart people vs the sheeple who are easily swayed by talk show hosts and empty soundbites.

This is the PAST vs the FUTURE. For all our sakes, I believe, and sincerely hope the FUTURE wins!



Barack Obama/Joe Biden!

Vote Obama 2008!