

Barack Obama Invades Hillary's Home Turf!

Watch out Hillary, Barack Obama is invading your home turf!

Since Barack Obama opened his presidential fund-raising committee, he has made several low-key visits to New York, quietly growing his supporters there, and getting a few contributions. New York is Hillary Clinton's home turf.

Yesterday however, Barack Obama arrived in New York without making any effort to keep things under wraps. This was open invasion of Hillary's turf. Obama had sold-out back-to-back events that raised him almost $1,000,000!

In your face Hillary!

And to make sure that everyone knew (ehem...Hillary included) about it, his supporters passed out Obama signs to people lining the street.

We are here because the country is calling us,” Mr. Obama told a cheering crowd. “We are here because we are at a crossroads.” He continued, “Every 20 or 30 years, every generation, a moment comes when we have to look up and ask ourselves, ‘Are we prepared to meet the challenges that this generation faces?’ ”

One of JFK's former closest advisers, Mr. Sorensen, said “It reminds me of the way the young, previously unknown J.F.K. took off,” Mr. Sorensen said in an interview, adding: “Obama, like J.F.K., is such a natural. He’s very comfortable with who he is.”

All of Obama's appearances in New York were sold out. If he can do this on Hillary's home turf, then the day he overtakes Hillary in the polls are getting closer.

It's not if, but when. I believe with this kind of momentum, he will eventually overtake Hillary in time for the primaries.

Many Clinton supporters are slowing peeling away from her and flocking to Obama.

A former Hillary supporter said Obama's fans, "I love Hillary, I think she's fabulous but I think we need something that's new and fresh and Obama is right there,” restaurant owner, B. Smith said.

Hillary is old news. Old blood. Tainted by her vote for the war.

Obama is fresh, and his anti-war credentials are strong. So Hillary, watch your arse, coz Obama is coming to get ya!