Yet so much has been achieved. The Obama campaign is a truly 21st century campaign. So many things are being done at the grassroots level, leveraging the power of the internet.
Since Obama officially declared his candidacy in Springfield, Illinois, the following has happened:
- 3,306 grassroots volunteer groups have been founded and attracted tens of thousands of members who are organizing online and offline
- 4,416 personal fundraising pages have been established, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars in small contributions
- 6,706 people have created their own Obama blogs and begun chronicling why they are supporting Barack and their campaign experience
- 38,799 people have created profiles in Obama's official website and started networking with other supporters in their community and across the country
Most of the above was possible because of the quick development and launching of Obama's official campaign website which encourages visitors and supporters to get involved in the campaign. Using Obama's website you can:
- Find supporters near you and organize a local campaign group
- Network with supporters around the nation
- Create your own fundraising page
- Plan and attend events
- Create a Blog to chronicle your activities
And it continues to gather steam. Hillary's campaign on the other hand is losing steam.
People who once supported Clinton are flocking to Obama. Number one is Geffen who single-handedly started the "Geffen-Gate" spat between the Clinto and Obama camps. Second are the African-Americans who used to support Clinton, they are now moving to the Obama camp. And now Greg Craig, a Washington super-lawyer with close ties to the Clintons, is now supporting Sen. Barack Obama for president.
With this growing support, Obama will be able to raise the millions of dollars needed to run an effective campaign. This combined with Obama's massive grassroots support, will easily position Obama to overtake Clinton in time for the primaries.
Vote Obama 2008!