I like the newer feistier Obama! It's about time! It's time to hit McCain and the Republicans hard. It's hardball time! I understand Obama wants to fight with truth and not lies like the Republicans do. But you can wrap that truth on your fist and whack McCain upside the head with it! It's fightin' time!
Off with the gloves! The economic crises has revived the Democrats momentum and now they must run with it! The Republicans don't know crap about the economy...they got us into this mess to begin with. Mr. Obama...make sure you remind the voters of this fact EVERY DAY until ELECTION DAY!
Republicans RUINED the economy.
Republicans turned SURPLUSES into DEFICITS.
Republicans TAKE from the POOR and GIVE to the RICH!
I loved it when Obama responded to McCain's claim that McCain will take on the "old boys network". Obama said "the old-boy network? In the McCain campaign, that's called a staff meeting!" HAHAHAHA! That's what I want to hear from Obama!
This isn't the primaries anymore. Obama already got the SMART VOTE, THE EDUCATED VOTE, the INFORMED VOTE. Now he needs to get the Less-Educated Vote, the Blue Collar Vote, the Less-Informed Vote. These voters don't listen much to serious intellectual talk. They thrive on soundbites. That's exactly what Obama is doing now and what he needs to do MORE OF!
If the Republicans sling MUD...you sling their MUD right back at them! It is fightin' time! And YES WE CAN! We CAN and WE WILL WIN THIS FIGHT! We cannot have 4 MORE YEARS of SAME OLD CRAP!
No McCain! NO McBUSH!
Obama / Biden 2008!
Vote Obama 2008!!!!!!!!!!!
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