

Kodak Theater Democratic Conversation...err...Debate

Today's Democratic Debate (if you can call what happened a debate) at the Kodak Theater was almost a exact opposite of what happened in South Carolina.

I heard that people were scalping tickets for thousands of dollars online. I guess whoever bought those overpriced tickets, expecting "Thrilla in Manila" at the Kodak Theater were sorely disappointed.

They were smiling at each other, touching each other...and gasp! even hugging each other at the end!

Obama say it ain't so! We understand there must be unity within the Democratic party to take on the republicans, but you can't win the nomination by being too nice! You must continue to offer sharp contrasts between yourself and Mrs. Clinton, while still maintaining an air of cordiality!

If you keep on saying "we both agree on blah and blah", "we both have positions like this...blah" can people tell you and Clinton apart? You are the underdog Mr. Obama and you must fight tooth and nail (while fighting with honor of course).

But you must keep on fighting. Clinton has a big advantage with the establishment support and name recognition. People will not vote for someone because he was nice to Clinton. People will vote for someone because they are DIFFERENT from Clinton.

We, your supporters urge you to continue to contrast yourself against Clinton. No mudslinging need be done. Just continue to contrast yourself compared to Clinton (who deep down is a Republican clone), and NEVER, EVER HUG HER AGAIN!

WE MUST KEEP FIGHTING. FIGHT HONORABLY, but still FIGHT. We cannot have another Clinton in the WhiteHouse. I remember the 90's, and while there was economic prosperity, the Clintons utterly completely divided the nation. It was not all rosy times, as I am sure you know. There must be no Clinton Dynasty.

Go Obama! Fight the good fight!

Vote OBAMA 2008!

1 comment:

min said...

I stand 100% behind barack obama He will be the next president of the united states of america.WE DONT NEED ANOTHER CLINTON IN THE WHITE HOUSE.