

Obama Fever Spreads in Austin, Texas

There's a new fever in town. And it is contagious. And it is spreading at an unprecedented rate.
Very soon, much of the country might have the fever. There is no known vaccine, there is no known cure. One exposure is all it takes...and you have it.

But fear not, this fever is not a disease. This fever just might be the CURE. The cure to slash and burn politics. The cure to the mess in Iraq. The cure to an ineffective goverment.

This is the Obama fever. Listen to one speech...and you will get it. That's it. Not even holding a photo of Hillary tightly to your chest will give you immunity to the Obama FEVER.

And now it is spreading all over Austin, Texas.

More than 20,000 people filled Auditorium Shores in Austin to hear him speak. The crowd shows Obama’s multi-racial appeal. There were people of many races, both genders, and all ages. No one is immune to the fever.

Obama spoke about universal health care, better education and getting out of Iraq. His message resonates with the crowd.

“He's got a lot of energy,” someone in the audience said. “He's talking about change. That's going to make a difference.”

This is the Vote Obama Blog Admin, and I have been diagnosed with Obama Fever. And I am glad.

Vote Obama 2008!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, like I was there in Austin. The man is awesome! People were hanging on to his every word!

I swear I have not heard anyone speak with this kind of crowd-capturing charm since....well...since I was a kid in the 80's listening to Reagan's speeches.

I'm seriously considering voting for Obama!