

Republican Convention HOT AIR

If there was ever any doubt that McCain would be McSame...well today's speakers at the Republican National Convention pretty much cleared all doubt.

These expert liars and abusers of the Constitution were at it again. Desperately trying to fool America again that Iraq War = Fighting Al Qaida, or Iraq War = fighting radical Islam, or worse beyond worse Iraq War = Fighting Evil.

I will leave it Barack Obama to once again point out that BEFORE the invasion of Iraq...there were NO Al Qaida there period. Saddam would not tolerate such competition for power. And as Barack Obama said in his convention DO NOT defeat an organization that operates in many countries by occupying and wasting most of your forces and resources in ONE COUNTRY (Iraq)! Like DUH!

And listen to PALIN...she thinks this thing is a CRUSADE. She labels the Iraq War as a "Task from God". I think she got that all twisted. Or she thinks Bush is God. Iraq was a task from BUSH. BUSH is NOT GOD. And a very misguided and poorly planned task it was...and 5 years later...still there, quagmired...except now the Iraqi government wants the US out! And 7 years after invading Afghanistan...Bin Laden is still at large, and the Taliban are resurgent.

Nice Strategy. Leave it to the Republicans to completely mess things up and then lie about how GREAT things are going!


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