As you might already know, Hillary Clinton’s polling numbers are tumbling.
But thats OLD news. It's been tumbling for a while.
Here's the shocker: Hillary is faring POORLY with the FEMALE electorate. Thats right. Just because she's a woman does not mean she automatically gets the women's vote. I mean, why would other women want to vote for a cold 'biatch' for president? Todays women would LOVE to see a woman president, but she has to be the right woman. And that woman is NOT HILLARY.
According to the recent Rasmussen poll, 43% of women say they will not vote for Hillary. And the latest poll by John Zogby reported an almost identical number – 42% of women would not vote for Hillary Clinton under any circumstances.
Hillary Clinton's lack of support from her own gender is further underscored by the now famous bootleg 1984 Apple ad spoof. Who throws the hammer at Hillary's face in that video? Is it a big burly man? NO. It's a young, athletic, sexy blond woman. Exactly the kind of demographic that Hillary so desperately needs support from, but cannot get.
Chatrooms and forums from one end of the internet to the other are buzzing with women who cannot stand Hillary. The mere thought of Hillary as president makes them want to puke.
One woman wrote, “I, as a woman, would love to see a woman president, but am willing to wait for the right one.” Hillary is often referred to as "the Horrible" or simply “that cold [rhymes with witch]”
It's not just her own gender that is giving Hillary a big headache. Her own party doesn't exactly have solid support for her. Many Democrats can’t stand the idea of Hillary as president, ever! The Zogby poll found that among likely Democratic voters, a surprising 18% stated they “would never cast a vote in Clinton’s favor.” That's right, NEVER! This is because Hillary is the most divisive figure in the Democratic Party.
Hillary Clinton’s problem are deeper than her screeching voice and all-around cold b*tch attitude. Hillary’s problem with women is her attitude towards women. She looks down on other women. This is why women do not like her. She is condescending, she assumes she is better than all women. She believes she should be queen. But her coronation plans are becoming unglued.
As smart as she thinks she is, many women can see through her facade as it it was made of glass. Most women sense a vile, master manipulator, greedy with ambition, behind the Hillary's very fake velvet curtain.
And that is why this biatch will never win the election.
Vote Obama 2008!
Should you really be celebrating that such a large portion of the population will simply not vote for her because shes a bitch? Isnt that how George won? By simply just being likable? Youre certainly helping the political discourse along by focusing on likability instead of issues. And thats what makes this post truly pathetic, that you can focus on her issues, such as the Iraq war which she wants to stay away from even though it will be a defining part of the next president. But lets appeal to emotions, its just so much easier.
The truth hurts dude. People hate Hillary coz she's a b*tch AND she supported the war.
You may hate her because she's a "bitch" -- which is sexist code for a decisive woman -- but I can tell you that I don't hate her, I admire her. I hate Obama because he's an empty suit, and guess what, I won't vote for him now that he's the nominee no matter HOW much you Obamaites beg.
Get over it, McCain's going to win.
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