

Hollywood's New Star

Hollywood has a bright new star, and he's not an actor.

He's Senator Barack Obama. Hardly any day goes by without his name mentioned in the news. The Obama star is one that is quickly rising. Whether or not this bright star will become a falling star, only time will tell. But one thing is for sure, this is gonna be an interesting election.

With the nation hungry for change, many people are looking to the fresh face in Washington that is Obama. He's got new ideas. He has an uncanny talent of connecting with all kinds of people. The kind we have not seen since Reagan and Bill Clinton. And now, he's made valuable connections with the elite of Hollywood.

Obama collected more than $1 million dollars in donations at a gala filled with some of hollywood's biggest stars.

He may be currently trailing behind Clinton, but I have a feeling it's going to be neck and neck pretty soon.

So Mrs. Clinton, watch your arse. Obama is hot on your trail.

In Hollywood, as he has every place he's visited so far, Obama vowed to end the senseless war in Iraq and expand health coverage to one and all.

"There's a sense that we have a government that is no longer responding to ordinary people, that it's become an insider's game, that it's all about slash and burn, and negative politics and deal-making, but that it is not expressing the basic values and ideals that we hold as Americans," he said.

His message resonates with many people unhappy with the way things have been going the last few years.

Marilyn Ventress, a 51-year-old Pasadena woman said "People are craving authenticity, and I think that's what he has."

That he has indeed.

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